Building Drone
Data Infrastructure
Transforming the way researchers manage, interpret and publish drone data.
Our Partners
Our Mission
Through the ASDC, researchers will be able to access and generate near-real-time and societally-relevant drone-derived information. To achieve this, we will transform drone data processing capabilities towards best-practice, automation and intelligent decision making.
Diverse Users
Whilst aimed at researchers, the platform’s objective is to service all aspects of the Australian drone user community, including citizen scientists, NGOs, and government. We aim to transform the already substantial drone data processing capabilities of these organisations towards best-practice, automation, innovation, and intelligent decision making.
The ASDC will have the ability to ingest and name different data types including pre-processed maps, models, point clouds, and digital surface models processed in other software, raw photogrammetry photos, LiDAR point clouds, videos, and multispectral datasets. Users will be able to input and export their data at any point along the workflow. This design provides the freedom to exploit the specific toolsets the platform provides that are relevant to their work without having to be tied to the full processing workflow. The design also provides a completely integrated workflow and data pipeline option.