Great Barrier Reef Photogrammetry - ASDC Driver Use case
Implementing an open source capability to stitch together and share underwater photogrammetry models of the coral within the Great Barrier Reef will provide a next generation resource to Australia’s researchers for coral reef research.
Benefits to cloud processing drone data
Cloud-based drone data processing solutions offer new value to users who need efficient, scalable processing and analysis capability but aren’t interested in procuring and managing dedicated infrastructure.
Building a drone data pipeline for structural geologists
Based on work from Prabhakaran et al. 2019, structural geologists have successfully used ASDC pipelines to analyse drone gathered imagery. This work delivered a fully automated workflow for the analysis of large photogrammetry datasets into fracture network maps.
What is the Australian Scalable Drone Cloud?
Australia's Scalable Drone Cloud will help researchers process and manage data generated by drone-borne instruments at scale. It will accelerate research and decision making through a cloud-hosted platform, and by developing new methods for extracting insights from data.
Scalable Computing for Drone Data
Our team describes its high powered, scalable and open-source compute design strategy for the processing of drone data, and how it is increasing the accessibility of drone-based data research in Australia.
Scalable drone infrastructure for revegetation
The ADSC team is using revegetation time-series data to inform the potential development of new features and tools to support organisations and citizen scientists involved in land rehabilitation and environmental management activities.
Getting started: APPF perspective
The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) is pleased to be working alongside other research infrastructure providers and research organisations to develop the ASDC, supported by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) Platforms program.
An afternoon stroll through a virtual garden
Thanks to the Monash Drone Discovery Platform (MDDP) team and the combined power of advanced remote sensing, computation, and a humble smartphone, we can now all explore and analyse rocks in the garden from the comfort of our living rooms.
Getting started: TERN perspective
TERN is delighted to be working alongside other research infrastructure co-investors in the Australian Scalable Drone Cloud (ASDC), one of 10 three-year projects supported by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) 2019 Platforms program.
Getting started: AuScope perspective
AuScope is excited to work alongside other research co-investors in the ASDC. Starting in early 2020 the ASDC aims to standardise how earth and environmental scientists collect and analyse drone-collected data by establishing best-practices and FAIR data principles as informed by many nationally significant fields of research.